Mushroom - $ 6 . 6 per m2 of damaged bedding area plus $ 350 cost for extra labour per farm up to a maximum of $ 2 , 260 菌类-遭损坏的培殖?每平方米6 . 6元,另加每个农场雇用额外劳工的350元,最高可达2 , 260元。
It is necessary for our country to apply far - reaching study on the legal systems of the international sea - bed area and to take good measures so as to uphold the benefit of our country because china hold a special position as a coastal , developing and pioneering investor country 我国在国际海底区域问题上处于沿海国家、发展中国家和先驱投资者国家的特殊地位,有必要对国际海底区域法律制度进行深入研究并采取适当的对策,以便更好地维护我国的利益。
The united nations convention on the law of the sea was open to sign on december 10 , 1982 . but the western ocean power countries were strongly unsatisfied with the regulations on the legal system of the international sea - bed area in part xi of the convention and refused to join this convention , unpopularizing the convention 《联合国海洋法公约》于1982年12月10日开放签署,但西方海洋大国对该公约第十一部分关于国际海底区域制度的规定表示强烈的不满并拒绝加入该公约,使该公约缺乏普遍性。
Through systematically introducing the founding process of the legal system of the international sea - bed area and thoroughly analyzing the content thereof , this thesis predicts the trend of the development of the legal systems of the international sea - bed area , analyzes the legislative conditions of our country on the international sea - bed area and puts forward the strategies our country should take in this respect in the end 本文通过系统地介绍国际海底区域法律制度的建立过程和详细地评介国际海底区域法律制度的内容,预测了国际海底区域法律制度的发展趋势。文章最后分析了我国在国际海底区域方面的立法状况并提出了我国在该方面应该采取的对策。